Wednesday, August 29, 2018

A Fun Fact!

Chatting with a group of nice people about the affect negative and harsh comments of our work (art and drawing), and how our good fans support us with their comments not just the usual (like and Follow.)
To be honest, I agreed with them that most of the people these days are criticizing, yeah, I mean by that (The Harsh Criticism) the unnecessary one, this Criticism that is followed with the usual (Your art S.....ks) instead of (You need to improve your work, keep doing your best), the usual (That is wrong, and you need to stop drawing) instead of (That is good but you need to fix something here and there, it will be more prettier). It kinda reminded me a cheap episode of mean tweets on Jimmy kimmel's Live Tv Show. Though, in the end, we all agreed that ignoring such comments is the best choice, yeah, feeding fire will only make it worse.
But what I didn't agree on, that fans should support with good comments. A fun fact, all the people can be fans but some of them will be true fans, only your true fans will be supporting you. We can't expect that all the people to cheer you up with comments about how lovely your work is, yet your true fans will. True fans are the people who will defend your work, still to find or make true fans, you will go through a long journey of donation and hard work. Will it worth it? hard to know for sure, but if this happens, you can tell me about your happiness. I will be here!

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Social media marketing plus fun!

Really, when I think about it, how no one ever brought fun to social media while marketing! People would really get bored if all the stuff you are talking about is too serious.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

I created a blog!

I am really not a fan for blogging, I am not even great in writing for blogs. But well, here I Am, glad to be among you and will be always pleased to read your comments.

first day advice for all bloggers